

SashimiFTW #Darkknight Talk

General Darkknight

A Peace Treaty between the Bandits and the DKs Good day, Spearmen. As you may know, the BaMs and Nightlords have allied themselves in an attempt to take over Maple World. With the oncoming of new classes every few months, the original classes are facing extinction. The BaMs and the Nightlords have turned against the Bandits. Furthermore, the DBs have officially announced a path of war. As spokesman for the Bandits, I would like to offer a branch of peace between our two classes. With the upcoming revamp, Bandits will be stronger than ever before, and you would be wise to ally yourselves with us. However, we cannot stand alone against the combined might of the Bams, Nightlords, and DBs. Therefore, we have chosen the honorable DKs to be our a