SasoriBankai #General Talk


Should I buy the Ap Reset? Well honestly this is a mistake from awhile ago that I kinda wanna fix. I came back to this at some point and created a Duel Blader. Well this was after chaos or something and I was unaware of how dex was really kinda useless after the patches that had happened since I last played, (Which was before Evans released) So upon return I was making my Duel Blade and put a lil chunk of AP into Dex. Now im not super funded on mesos but im not poor by any means. So I was wondering if I should fix the past mistake so I continue Dexless since I could do it no problem. Or should I live with it and go on.. He is level 95 so I really think im going to fix it. However someone said with the future thief revamp or w.e might come w


Are these priced okay? So im trying to make my pally hit a little harder. Dropping the clean tempest set I have for better scrolled items. The thing is that I want it to be universal items and not untradable ones. I want to be able to share my equips between classes. I use Warriors and my Buc. I came across some items that looked kinda solid to me. I dont know about the prices at all though. The sneaker is whats making this harder. Ill see what you think after I list it down below. Maybe you can tell me whether or not to get it, or pass and find a better universal str shoe. Thank you for the help :) Half Earrings (unique) 2 line Str 9% all stat 6% Bonus - str 1% For 1.3Bil Half Earrings (unique) All stat 6% Str 6% Avoid 6% For 525 mil Blue

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