ScoutTarget #Chat Talk

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This shoe worth buying? My friend offered to sell me his hyperdunks that are size 9.5, 9/10 condition and 2 years old for 40 bucks. Worth it or no? Also please note that these are 180 according to some online source.;sa=X&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS401US401&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=eqX-SFMqjhVY0M:&imgrefurl=

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What should I do about a bone popping out of my finger? I've had a bone popping out of finger since last year. It hurts when I apply pressure on it and makes some tasks a pain to do. Its located near the bottom of my middle finger and top of my palm. I have no clue what to do, I don't want to go to the doctors because I'm afraid its not that severe. My parents say its normal and I should just leave it alone. Apparently it will eventually go away but its been a year and it hurts to do tasks that require me to grab. I've tried popping it back into place, but its hurts like crazy. What should I do? :~( edit1: It's almost like a tiny ball, I can move it around.

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Science Essay Help? I need help on my Essay. I have to explain how the sun contributes to the formation of convection currents within the atmosphere and the oceans, explain conditions that are necessary for hurricanes to form, Describe how hurricanes form and the conditions that may result in the development of few hurricanes or many hurricanes during a season. I have to include the following words, more dense, less dense, warm air, cold air, rotation, eye and tropical depression. Any help would be appreciated. I wasn't paying enough attention in class :/

General Chat

Convincing my parents to let me drive alone? This morning I went to the DPS to test for my driver's license, and sure enough, I passed. So after getting my drivers license I decided that I wanted to go out and eat with some friends as a celebration, but being the typical asian my dad is, he said no. He doesn't trust me by myself behind the wheel even though I literally drive the speed limit opposed to driving 5 over, etc. They say they will let me drive when I'm 17, which makes no darn sense because I went through all this trouble to drive at an early age and they won't allow me to. How can I convince them to let me drive alone? :)

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This girl ruined all my chances with another girl So heres my story, There was this girl. Lets call her michelle, she went around and told everyone around the school that she liked me. I had no feelings for her because she is (not tryin' to be mean, just saying what I think) fat , ugly, and a follower. I didn't like her so I tried my best to avoid her. After 4 months, she still liked me. I ignored it. After a while I liked another girl. Lets call her Tiffany. I told a friend of mine that I liked her and somehow she found out (._.). She told me she liked me too and that she would go out with me. The only FRICKIN' problem is that they are both friends and Tiffany didn't want to break her heart. So she refused to go out with me. Basil, What sh

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What height is considered quotAveragequot? Sooooooo, I'm your typical short asian who hates being short. I'm only 5'3 and generally I think I'm below average. I'm 14, 8th grade and was like 4'10 last year o.o.. So what do you consider to be "average" Also name your age and race; I think it has alot to do with height. Also, Don't say something like "Look at Jeremy Lin and Yao Ming! They are tall as hell, Quit hating on Asians!" They are just the lucky few who grew to be that tall :3

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