ScoutTarget #General Talk


Your scrolling experience? Well, today I decided to scroll my own dagger for once. So, I started out with a level 100 dagger with 95 attack. I got 1 20% scroll and it worked. My friend bought me 10k nx so I decided to buy some 60%s. I used 8 on a 10 att WG and had 2k nx left. I went through MTS looking for deals and found a what I thought was 60% scrolls. It was 10% but I didn't know what I was doing so I bought it. When I got out, I realize what I had done and just winged it. I used both on my dagger and of course they failed. I was mad by then so I used another 20% not caring. To my surprise, it worked! I went through FM bought 2 60% dagger scrolls. Scrolled with both a failed. So I decided it was time to just blow it up with something, S

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