

Sengzyy #Shadower Talk

General Shadower

Long break from Maple - advice would be appreciated Hi guys, I've just recently started playing Maple again after a long break and decided to start a new class (always been a fan of Shadowers from when I first started a couple of years back!) despite how cool and OP the new classes seem to be. Anyway, long story short I took advantage of the burn event and have been given the whole black set which gives pretty nice bonuses which I have traced and enhance. My question is - is it worth cubing? Bearing in mind I currently only have 1b in funds (have 11k maple points so I could get lucky from suprise perma nx/gacha) and I'm missing a lot of basic gear. For instance, I only have 2% earrings, 10att wg, no belt, no pendant and one spare ring slot.