ShadowWigWig #General Talk


SoNumber One Player This has probably been discussed before, but I wasn't a part of it so i'm asking. Are the current top players simply going to be left where they stand? Fangblade for example, when the level cap is raised to 250, will he just be left at his current ranking for others to surpass him? Sure if his and others' accounts stay inactive then people have every right to rank beyond them. But a small part of me just feels uneasy about all this. I know rankings are completely pointless, but it doesn't seem fair to me that after everything they put into the game they won't even be recognized as the top players, or first to reach that goal. I guess technically since they are only 200 they will no longer be the highest ranked, but I can


Demon Slayer is dream come true Title says it! I'd never thought id see the day that a WARRIOR was the most mobil class in the game. Super speedy gliding, FJ, FJ that shoots straight up, perma speed and jump boost, and tele. Chaos lock has more range than anyother tele in the game AND it puts you exactly where you need to be AND hits the mob for you. Not to mention all their skills have insane range. Warriors have always been my favorite character type so as you can imagine im in heaven. Feel free to share you joy! Also, who else agrees with the new DS name....Superpages!:D Or maybe Batman.....


Hot Time Question In the Lumi hot time the dogma cap was given out with a hidden potential. I looked at the event calender and the picture of the Kaiser hat to be distributed on the next hot time doesnt show that it has a hidden potential. I was wondering if we actually will be getting the hidden potential because this will influence which character i accept the hat with. I dont remember the event calender showing the dogma cap with a hidden pot so i think its probable. Could anyone confirm though? Thanks~~~


Level Cap and Fifth Job Im very confused. Are we getting the level cap raised to 250 but not fifth job? Or do my internet browsing skills just epicly fail? because I cant find any footage of fifth job stuff online. So that leads me to believe theres no way it could be released tomorrow. But the part that confuses me is that they would raise the level cap but not provide us with any place to put our skill points. Because all of our fourth job skills are already maxed at like 185. So are we just leveling to 250 as fourth job classes and accumulating hundreds of unused SP or what? Thanks guys

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