ShinsayBera #Hero Talk

General Hero

LFgt Hero Revamp As time goes on after the RED Patch and all the non-loyal Heroes switching to Pally or Dark Knight :| the remaining Heroes are all wondering as I am. Will Heroes ever get a revamp? :/ Now we all know that at this time Pally/Dark Knight > Heroes, which has never really been the case until RED. :3 With really 1 main mobbing skill Raging Blow (looks terribly outdated I might add) and Puncture Honestly not really helping comparing to All the new/updated skills that both Pally/Dark Knight has. What do we Heroes really have to Offer except faster Dojo Times. o.o I guess all I'm really trying to say for not just me but all the remaining Heroes is that.. we want a revamp! Better Mobbing skills/ Balancing to give us a nice advant