

Shroomsly #Chat Talk

General Chat

Do you hear the birds chirping "What are they saying?" This is a thread about it being 4:00 in the morning. At least where time actually matters, that is: The Midwestern U.S. Now, you may say that's a bit pretentious of me, but you're too tired to get angry at me. Because if you tried to engage in such aggressive behavior in a moment like this, [url=]this would be the only result.[/url] Moving on. Speak of the whimsy that is the famed "Night Basil". Speak not of the feeble attempt that is "Midnight Basil", for this a rouse; it is an illegitimate attempt to rekindle life into a much too self-absorbed time-frame of basiling. What midnight basil wish

General Chat

Riddles comin' at you bro. So yeah, this thread is pretty straightforward and not very inventive, but who cares. Give your best answers. Riddle #1: An Arab sheikh is old and must will his fortune to one of his two sons. He makes a proposition. His two sons will ride their camels in a race, and whichever camel crosses the finish line last will win the fortune for its owner. During the race, the two brothers wander aimlessly for days, neither willing to cross the finish line. In desperation, they ask a wise man for advice. He tells them something; then the brothers leap onto the camels and charge toward the finish line. What did the wise man say? Riddle #2: (Easier!) Scientific studies have shown that there is a direct, positive correlation b

General Chat

To turn from a boy into a man I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this, to be honest, but perhaps you will connect with it, Basil. Well, I'm 20 years old now. I have a job and I go to school. I've loved, been heartstruck, lost loved ones. I've seen cancer, I've drank whiskey. I had my first kiss and I had sex for the first time. I had my second kiss and had sex again and I liked it even more the second go around. I've passed tests and I've failed tests. I've both yelled and smiled at strangers, some of which deserved the act. I've also been laughed at, cried, smiled, tried and failed at many things. I can recall a few times in the past when I made fun of a friend behind their back. Now I know better and I defend my friends when an insecur

General Chat

Strangers adding me on skype Alright, I don't find it weird that a stranger would add me on skype, since I have it on my info page on facebook. However, I find the messages that they send with the friend request to be a bit unnerving in their similarity because the usernames of all of the requests are different. I haven't submitted a friend request before, so I don't know what the format looks like, but I feel like it isn't this. Anyway, shown here are the various messages sent. "hello there! I was looking around who's online and i stumbled upon your name, and thought you seemed cool! :[b][/b]D" "Wassup.. I was looking around people near me and i stumbled upon your page, and you seemed worth talking to! :[b][/b])" "

General Chat

What does "Civilization" mean to you? At the basic level, civilization is derived from the Latin root, [i]"civitas"[/i], which means "city." Of course, there are other connotations to the word that make it so much more. For instance, if someone is considered to be "uncivilized", how might they act? Would they steal from others, play buck-naked in the dirt, or possibly beat women? [i]Take[/i] [i]note that some civilizations do not have restrictions (laws) that would prevent the latter two of these behaviors, e.g., nudist colonies or those governed by Sharia law[/i] [i](Not too certain of this myself, actually.)[/i] [header]~[/header] The essential part of this question can be more easily explained in t

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