SilverBladez #Chat Talk

General Chat

Streaming a populair indie game The Binding of Isaac I'm going to live stream this game soon and anyone who's bored and want to watch and chat with me and others in there can join in. I'm not sure yet if the sound works so if anyone can help me check on that that'd be nice. The game The Binding of isaac is a game made by Edmund, the person who created Super Meat boy. The game is completely random and it's basicly one huge puzzle. each run can take from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Dying means you have to start over completely. Everytime you start over the rooms/items/bosses/enemies/events are completely different. To me it's really fun and maybe it's for you too. If you would like to get this game yourself it's like 5 euro total for both the o

General Chat

To all you tldr people When someone tries to explain something and people comment with tldr. When a person posts a thread with proof and say tldr. When someone posts a fun story and people get mad saying tldr. To those people who got angry at me for writing to much tldr. When someone has a extremely good reply in a big arguement and they say tldr. The the people who literally get MAD at someone for posting a thread/comment that's to long. And to the person who will ofcourse say tldr in the comments below. I hate you, and you can all hate me back. Goodnight~ I hope a few of you understand my frustration.

General Chat

Streaming live The Binding Of Isaac. For SMB Fans. EDIT: I will start streaming once a few people are in there so you can see the start and follow the story of what its actually about. Hi, if anyone is bored and dont know what to do. Come in my live stream, playing the game the Binding of Isaac. Made by the creators of Super Meat Boy. Maybe you'll like it maybe you dont. Ask anything you like about me/the game. There's a chatroom at the live stream to talk to me or others there. There is also a Demo up at newgrounds i'll give you the link if you want it. Have fun. (: (or not)

General Chat

MapleStory homage found in amazing indie game Risk of Rain So there is this amazing populair Indie game that's in Beta right now called Risk of Rain. I found out today that someone had found a secret spot on accident while doing a run and was recording it. He showed it in a thread and once I saw the video I got goosebumps because it turns out this secret place was a homage to MapleStory from the old days! I don't know why but I just thought this was freaking amazing and I was apparently the only one who knew what this was. Here is the thread: The video can be found in the thread yourself. Notice how the name below the maple name says ''Simpler times''? Notice how the Iron boar in there is hard to hit seeing a lot of ''Dodge'' just like the