SilverBladez #Fashion Talk

General Fashion

Name the most EvilDarkSinister person on Basil. I've been wondering for some time if there are people on Basil who try to look evil/dark or whatever instead of a henehoe/regular/cute/nice/friendly (Not judging!) 50% of all people dress up nicely to attract girls (No judgement here) and ofcourse theres 45% just doing that because they simply like it. But where is the 5% of people who try to live up to they're jobs name? Example: DarkKnights/BattleMages/Shadowers/NightLord etc. There are ofcourse people who look badass without a fitting job name so name them all! So what I want you to do is name at least 1 person who you think looks really evil. (I'm dying to see more people) I'll start with 4 people who I think look badass, evil or anything

General Fashion

Tell me why as a guy, you want to look cute and feminine I'm honestly just curious. It's not a big deal, in fact I don't mind it all but I AM curious as to why so many guys out there love making themselves as feminine as possible to the point where people have to guess if they're a guy or a girl. It's all about being cute it seems. But at least the non-cute players stand out a little more haha. So yeah, tell me what you like about it so much. Again.. it's a honest question.