

Simfel #Paladin Talk

General Paladin

Paladin Nerf Kmst 1.2.010 At first, the translated notes may make Paladins seem better than before, with one small exception that was lost in translation. **Blast is now given a cooldown that lasts as long as the buff, which is [url=]10 seconds[/url]. The buff also doesn't stack/refresh itself. ie. if you use the skill before your buff is gone, the skill goes on cooldown but you don't get a new buff. The buff applied remains the same, with +40% crit rate, +40% total damage, and +30% PDR. This means Paladins are now reduced to using elemental charges as a main bossing skill, complete with low number (4) lines, while at a much slower attack rate compared to Hero/DrK. The changes in this class are reflected in the short

General Paladin

Paladin Nerf Simulation Once news about the removal of the ability to ignore elemental attributes from "Void Elemental" was released, I wondered if it would be possible for me to continue soloing bosses. After some blue-aura trials at Magnus, it was clear that only a very minimal amount of equipment adjustments would allow my damage to carry over. Said changes were made, and [url=]this my first simulation of a paladin that cannot ignore elements[/url]. Forgot to record with the BGM on, just watch it with any song from Two Steps From Hell's [url=]Archangel[/url] album.