

Simfel #Video Talk


A true solo, without anyone to clear the monsters spawning on the bottom. As usual, a less-than-favorable run due to lag from Fraps makes things difficult. I might update this one if I can find recording software that doesn't affect gameplay as much as Fraps. I've yet to see a recording of an explorer warrior doing such a thing, so I'm hoping this is a bit more fresh than the hundred of other videos that "solo" with a clearer. If anyone has a link to another explorer warrior with a successful solo, I'd love to get the video and learn from it!


By popular request, recorded a new run with sound. Once news about the removal of the ability to ignore elemental attributes from "Void Elemental" was released, I wondered if it would be possible for me to continue soloing bosses. This my first simulation of a paladin that cannot ignore elements. For people interested, explanation of how the 30% Total Damage buff from the unused skill was taken into account is in the video description on Youtube; it's a bit too lengthy to add here.

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