SlovakHocky #General Talk


Legendary Inner Abilities Hello, I was just wondering if I should try and get a better inner ability now that we have the new system. I currently have a "legendary" inner ability thanks to getting something good before it was updated. I was wondering if this new system now means I should change it since it might give me a better chance to get something nice. I currently have (on my arch mage): 12% boss damage 12 magic attack Some weapon defense boosting thingy I wonder if it's worth upgrading. Any thoughts?


My rant about nexon. There are always people asking, "Why do you bash nexon? They're trying their best." I think some people (such as myself) would complain about some of the upgrade patches there have been over the past few years due to the fact that it underminds all the effort we previously put into the game. This is only ONE aspect of the game's managment that irritates me. This will be a long post, but believe me it can be pages longer. A nice and small example would be: first all my friends and guildmates struggled to get arans to level 70 to get the lillin ring, and awhile later they release explorer rings that make lillin rings relatively worthless. So basically they spent all that time making a level 70 aran for nothing.


Soul Light Drop Rates Hello, I was wondering if I've just been experiencing good/bad luck, or if the drop rates between the soul light quests vary at all. It took me 22-24hrs on mostly 1x, (some 2x after cassandra decided to love me) for the first quest of soul lights at Ultra Greys It took me 2-2.5hrs on 4x for the second quest of soul lights at Cube slimes It took me 8-9hrs on 2x for the third quest of soul lights at pandas It has taken me 1.5hrs of 2x and 4hrs of 4x so far in the fourth quest, and I've only found 4/10 so far. I've just been going to whichever map seems to have better spawn and an easier map to navigate, but is it possible that different monsters have different drop rates, because I'm seeing an aweful lot of variation. I


Suggestion: In Game Font Hello, I'm coming here to make a game suggestion. I've submit a ticket, but I have high doubts that they're observed very often or very carefully due to the high ticket flow that they tend to get. I haven't posted it in nexon's forums because I don't use those forums, and in the 5+ years I have played this game have never even bothered to join them. I come here to get some feedback and possibly some support. My idea is simple, yet rather useful in my opinion. Well, here it goes. I am suggesting that maple completely reformats their text system in game, and make it customizable from account to account. Let me elaborate. I hear complaints about the new font used since big bang is rather stressful to some people's eyes

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