SmackBabies #Chat Talk

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A trick question for you all i recently made this one up, so see if you can figure this out :p So there are 2 sisters and two brothers. Sister one married brother 1, and sister 2 married brother 2. Both families made babies(NOT ADOPTION), and neither children are incest. How is this possible? Try to make a sentence where you can say it forwards and backwards. Example would be: "I am here. / Here i am." One letter/two word sentences are not suffice. At least 3+ words must be in the sentence. The example may not be used as an answer. The TV repairman tells the customer at his home: I cannot fix your tv. Why is that?

General Chat

Someone is in your house, your room is your weapon You are home alone. Your family is away for a job trip and they don't come back until late night. Its right now 9pm, and you are in your room. You mind your buisness, but you start to hear footsteps. It becomes heavier as it becomes clearer. You freeze, thinking it cant be either of your parents. The footsteps halted. You are now panicking, scared that there is a robber. His breathing becomes heavier and his footsteps louder than ever. The person stands behind your door, breathing heavily. You look around, trying to find anything that can kill the person. You look in your room, what do you find when you turn to your left, right, and floor? Rules: Its the first thing you see. If theres more

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