Somebodyidont #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

I need advice for my Nl I have a level 132 NL in Nova cuz Christmas (Basil doesnt update THAT often lol), and was thinking I should start taking him seriously. I have 1.2b funding, but only reason I have that is cuz of evo rings, I dont know how to merch that well. I want to get higher stats, but theres 3 things stopping me 1. I dont want to waste all my money 2. I can't appraise items very well 3. [url=]I have this low level claw that I dont want to get rid of[/url] I also want to know if I should start expeditions, or if theyre even worth it. (I've heard Zakum was glitched D: ) I want some mastery books, but they seem pretty expensive. (I have this SS30, but I dont have SS20, so Im not sure