

Souleezy #Updates Talk

General Updates

Laptop cant download MS? Everytime I try to download Maplestory onto my laptop I get a notification. When I click the download, that thing that looks like it will start downloading says "Getting file information..." then this pops up: "Internet Explorer cannot download MSDownloaderv93.exe from Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later." Has anybody else had this problem before? Please, does ANYONE know how I can download Maple on my laptop so I can finally get to playing? :(

General Updates

What to do when your antivirus Says that Maple is unsafe? I just bought a new laptop and I went to install the GameDownloader off the website, and the Antivirus I have terminated the download almost instantly. A little notification in the corner of my screen said that it had detected Malware and safety threats, which worried me as the last laptop I had Maple on did run considerably slower after its installation. It seems ignorant to try and bypass my own security, but do I just trust Nexon? (Never thought Id say that) >.< Thanks in advance