

Spexcern #General Talk


New Leaf Cityplease be normal again I know I'm probably going to get some crap for this, but, hey it annoys me. It's quite clear the invasion of NLC was supposed to be only a temporary event, and eventually go back to normal. One of my friends just came off of hiatus, and complained about it. It's a valid point. A lot of the things that, for me and a number of other, made New Leaf fun no longer exist. Like the scroll quest that helped give newbies some starting funds, or Lita Lawless' quests that involved the Leprechauns, Bigfoot, and The Headless Horseman. I don't know...the aliens are great for exp and all, but maybe, could we go back to having nlc and the surrounding areas looking like they used to?


Took a LONG Break, need help getting back in the swing So I've played MS off and on for the better part of the last 8 or so years, just returned after nearly a year of not touching the game. Decided to begin fresh in Reboot, so ignore the currently displayed character info. Still playing a Phantom, got up to third class over the least two days (yay summer break :P ) I'm mostly doing fine, I'm just curious about the current anniversary event. What's the most efficient way of earning coins? I want to get as much of the armor as possible, accessories are secondary, and a weapon is clearly beyond my reach at this point. But the armor is sick and I'd kinda like it. So far, over the course of maybe 12 hours of play, I haven't been keeping track r


Consistency Fail, just for fun So I was playing my Phantom and just enjoying myself. Like most people, in the opening cutscene, the one in the Ereve Court, I noticed (male)Aran. Okay, no issue here really. Well, later on some stuff happens and you go to Rien, and you see Aran. As a female. I don't know if the gender of the Aran npc varies between player gender, but this seemed to be an utter failure in terms of staying consistent. I thought it was pretty funny. Now to the point, what are some other points in the game where there are Consistency Fails?


A Solid Maplestory Timeline? There are some inconsistencies. What are your solutions? 1. Alcaster states he has done magic in El Nath for 300 years. Some sources say the heroes were on ice for only a century. This would mean they overlapped. However, in Phantom's storyline, Alcaster is stated to not have even been ALIVE when the heroes were in commission. 2. Empress Cygnus. She's Aria's niece, no? That would make her at least 100 years old, yet she is called a child empress. We can chalk that one up to the people of Maple World in general having insane lifespans though, so this one's not [i]major[/i]. 3. Some other characters make reference to the heroes being gone for "hundreds of years" or "centuries" while others simp