

Spideymuse #General Talk


Friday Night, Time for a Maple Story. I am willing to tell you this story and there is a reason why and I need help: I started off maple in my early teens and I loved video games. I found out about maple from a friend and he told me maplestory had finally come to america from korea and it was in Beta(yes, I'm korean). I thought to myself that lame mushroom game? I had never seen it before but just heard ppl talking smack about it and wanted to bandwagon(lol). But I said, "whatever I have the time so why not try it out"(I WAS in middleschool after all). I made my first char: heizdachrist. I also made several other lame igns that had a bunch of x's and z's in them(I should have taken the 4 letter or some nice cool names like tiger a