SpiritOfMir #General Talk


Gm Hide amp Seek Event - Saturday, May 19 GMs are shy creatures that hide among the populace and only appear once in a blue moon. Now, during the month of celebration for the Lucky 7th Mapleversary, the GMs are in the mood for a little Hide and Seek, and finding one could net you NX! -How to Participate- During the designated event time, GMs will smega to the world with hints of their location. If you find a GM, take a screenshot and submit it on our forum thread for a chance to win NX. The GMs won't be able to stay long, so once found, they will hide again until another lucky Mapler finds them. -Where and When- 19th Of May PST & EST 20th Of May AEST World Group One: Nova, Arcania, El Nido, Demethos, Kradia, Bellocan, Windia and Bera Ti


mlc In Regards to Party Quests Hi all! Basil Market is a very important MapleStory Community! As you may or may not have known, the MLC Stopped the 5 PQ per day being introduced for the "Party Quest Revamp". The main reason was because it was not the best solution for nexon to do - due to it's "Quick Fix" solution. Party Quests have many promising features that could be implemented to help aid in facilitating a better MapleStory Experience. We, as the Maple Leaf Council have discussed options to help with creating a wholesome, more beneficial option for Party Quests. We recognise the Basil Market community to part take in voicing their opinions about this issue. We also hope to implement some changes in regards to Party


The Ryan Job Pirate Hero: [Header]Introduction[/Header] A Boy Named Ryan Was travelling through the woods with a Pair of his Dead Dads favourite Gloves.Like Usual, He often went to see his dad at his grave site wih flowers. These flowers were roses with their thorns cut off, all except one. So He traveled down with the flowers and Layed them down. But then Suddenly the thorn had Attached onto the gloves and then ripped a hole in them. The flowers fell. He Rushed out of the forest straight home. He Told his mum about the incident and she was sorry that she forgot to see it. That night he Layed the Broken Gloves onto his End Side Table when he went to sleep.During the Sleep, He had a Dream about him walking in the woods and then seeing the Gr