SposeImAwesome #General Talk


Its that time again Nova ;] Well some of you may know me from Zenith, others may recognize me for my few and in between troll threads, and others may remember me as the girl who made one of the guilds on Basil called "Plastered". Well this thread is here to recruit for the new and improved Plastered guild. We will be starting in the new world (whatever they end up calling it.... Nova please ;]) I'm looking for old members as well as new members so please give me a write up about you and your intentions in the new world, things like IGN and classes and I will make a list of players... my IGN will be Implied if you want to find me on the first day. If you are an old member please give me your IGN from Zenith so I know who you are. I


Multi-World Omok Tourney (: [header]Welcome to Basilmarket's Multi-World Omok Tournament![/header] Welcome all Omok players! Here, you'll be competing against Maplers in all worlds in the classic game of Omok. That's right, you will be playing people outside of your world. From now until midnight on September 17th, we'll be accepting competitors. Do not sign up if you are inactive. Last time, there were too many players that signed up and never played their games, screwing up the whole tournament. We ask that you subscribe to this thread if you sign up. You will be quoted in every post that involves you, so subscribe to the thread AND check your "Quoted" tab often. [header]Divisions[/header] [url=http://challonge.com/basilomok]Div