SriLankanKen #Jett Talk

General Jett

The Jett hate should die down. Atleast alittle bit [b][/b][header]Introduction[/header] I'm tired of seeing misinformed Jetts and the Pirates that are [b]STILL[/b] kind of upset that their revamp was held back. I understand why you guys would be so angry because I had a corsair before the revamp. I couldn't stand the glitches/nexon's "exclusive" class and I just rage quitted to my mech. I heard the revamp was coming and I was happy. But by that time I actually got up off my ass and started lv'ing my Jett mule. Which I was enjoying to the point of actually wanting to main it. This questioned my core beliefs in playing for fun... Because I also thought Jett was extremely OP until the pirate revamp hit ofcourse. Oh boy, am I going to

General Jett

Im done with Jett They screwed up SubBombs control 10 fold. I lag horribly when I hold it down now. And the animation looks SO slow. I can't play this class anymore. The amount of glitches are too much for me to stomach anymore. I guess this is the punishment I get for playing a class that held back the revamp. ._. I didn't want to go back to my corsair. Now I have no choice... It pains me so much to be going back... and to spend so much nx. Time to spend 70k+ nx for stupid PSoks, SoKs and AP/SP resets. Oh yeah and a perma pendant slot ._. Is anyone else having a hard time with SubBomb like me?

General Jett

My idea for a Jett rebalancement [header]Disclaimer[/header] A revamp a change in a class. It can be a buff or a nerf. [b]So please keep that in mind.[/b] [header2]jett's Crisis[/header2] Static Thumper: Static Thumper now does 300% at max level, range is nerfed. [header2]Jett's Awakening[/header2] Solar Array: Solar Array's hitbox is made to be the same amount of range as Blunderbuster. The skill level is lowered too 20. The max damage at 20 is now 400%x2. New Skill: Hidden Explosive (Max Level 10) For most attacking skills, an additional explosive attack is added for each hit. Damage per explosive hit: 10% [header2]Jett's Return[/header2] Rapid Fire: 100%x3, -9MP per hit Collateral Damage's skill level is lowered to 10. New Skill: Proton

General Jett

A Jett Guide, By SriLankanKen [header]Jett, The Bounty Hunter[/header] "Jett is a space-faring bounty hunter from the planet Cerberus. Jett was forced to flee to Maple World after a man named Burke framed her for the murder of the King of Cerberus and stripped her of the source of her extraterrestrial powers, the Core. Now, Jett spends day and night plotting her vengeance and searching for Burke, eager to be reunited with the Core and to reclaim her former honor." [i]-Quoted from[/i] While we are on this topic of a storyline, I would like to remind you that Jett has [b]required[/b] pre-quest line before you advance to your 4th job advancement. You will recieve the said quest line at level 80. The quests are na