

Supahking #General Talk


A Message To the butthurt people of the mapleworld I logged in on my kaiser to channel 1 aliens and observed two players having a conversation about evanescence covering lithium one of the guys proceeded to tell the other that it was a different song, and the other guy responded with "hey why dont you rot in hell piece of shvt watertrash" other guy says "are you ferkin idiot, pathetic piece of shvt" then the other guy says " "SHUT UP RATTRASH WATER TRASH YUR LIKE THE CINAMON TOAST CRUNCH GUY NO ONE GIVES A FerK ABOUT YOU WHY DONT YOU GO FerK REBECCA BLACK IN THE MOUTH THEN GO LISTEN TO EVANESCENCE COVER LITHIUM YOU RAT WATER TRASH" i left cause they made me cry :~( :~( :~(

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