

SwiftBrand #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Hero or DarkKnight? Hiya everyone, I haven't played MS in a while and in coming back, I saw the new job change system and it sure looks awesome. So I have a level 130 hero, and I am not sure if I should switch it to a dark knight, which is a class I've always thought was cool and interesting. Now that they got a rework, they look even more sick than ever, but heroes aren't bad either. (Also job change requires a lot of money...) So I'd like to ask for your opinion, and any one with a dark knight please share how you find the post-revamp dk, and if you think it's better than Hero. I don't care a lot about damage, but being strong certainly is nice. So basil, which class is better? (fun/stronger/faster/more interesting/etc) (note: I'm not rea