TehRaygunicorn #Chat Talk

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Where would you like to live? If you could live anywhere (and money wasn't an issue)? Personally, I'm in Brooklyn now and I'm really digging it. The food is great, the nightlife is my scene, and I hardly ever have any transportation issues (25-30 mins from work). Ideally, I'd love to live in the West Village. Sure, transportation might not be as great there but who cares about that if the place is so damn beautiful. It seems like the best place to settle down with a family in the city-if not there then I'd spring for a loft in Chelsea. I can also see myself loving San Francisco/Seattle/Portland, although I'd probably miss NYC's superior transportation.. Realistically though, I'll hopefully invest in some real estate here in Brooklyn.. we'll

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Workout advice to cut weight Hey guise, just looking for some work out advice to make some new gains Currently I'm 6', 210 lbs I ran 7.2 miles today in an hour for my workout & here's my usual plan Day 1: Chest & Tris Day 2: Back & Bis Day 3: Cardio Day 4: Legs Day 5: Shoulders Day 6: Cardio Day 7: Rest I do a 2.5 mile run in approximately 20 minutes every day to warm up before lifting... naturally on cardio days I only focus on my cardio and go on longer runs I'm rather bulky, so I want to tone a lot but I'm not sure what to do I should also add that although I know cardio is the way to go to lose weight, I do not want to stop weight lifting. I love it. Should I change up my workout routine? I know I should do higher reps, lowe

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Help me pick out an outfit? So I'm visiting my girlfriend in the UK in a few weeks and I'm saving up for a nice outfit when I go to see her I planned on buying a suit but she recently told me rather explicitly that she dreamed of me showing up in a "fitted navy v-neck sweater, dark jeans with a brown belt and nice shoes" I've already got the jeans - check Belt - check Sweater? No idea. But I've been checking out J. Crew, Lucky Brand, Eddie Bauer, and Brooks brothers.. anyone have any suggestions for this? As far as shoes go I'm thinking [url=http://www.zappos.com/clarks-un-kenneth-brown-leather]these[/url]. I have wide ass feet and am looking to invest in something comfortable so these seem to fit the bill nicely Also another rand

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Coachella 2015 Welps the lineup is finally up and honestly I'm a bit disappointed.. Way too much EDM. If I wanted that I'd go to some dumb EDM festival (no offense to any of you who like it, it's just not my concert scene) I guess on first glance I'm most excited about: ac/dc sylvan esso  jack white alt j (first album pls) hozier milky chance  cashmere cat st vincent marina and the diamonds stromae vance joy  st lucia saint motel ryan Adams interpol alabama shakes tame impala fka twigs  kimbra war on drugs brand new panda bear ratatat circa survive father john misty Mm hopefully none of these coincide with each other but they definitely will lmao If any of you are going, who will you definitely be seeing? Or if you're not, wh

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Which cultures do you embrace? I've been spending a lot of time recently reflecting on my own life and I've come to the conclusion that I'm a cluster**** of identities I can't really see myself embracing anything completely, and I struggle to identify with a lot of different things Throughout college I never went clubbing/bar-hopping and so I pretty much felt like an outcast.. this is a big point of conflict between me and some of my close friends, especially in my current relationship I was never a part of the current hook-up culture we live in, some people might even call me a serial monogamist I was extremely straight-edge growing up.. not so much anymore The same thing applies to my religiousness.. born and raised Catholic, but now I'm

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Ideas for first date So there's this girl I've been hooking up with who I really like, and we're going on our first date tomorrow night At first I thought about taking her to a nice dinner and then going for a walk on highline park which can be pretty romantic.. Then I thought it'd be better to take her to Coney Island. Cheap food and booze, child-like fun, and I guess it'd be a nice environment to get to know her better while taking a walk on the beach (regardless of how grimey it may be).. there's also fireworks scheduled for 9:30 pm which sounds awesome Anyone else have a nice idea? I'm really leaning toward Coney Island right now What do ya'll think I should do? She has no idea since I told her it's a surprise

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Potential marketing position, help me get da job So despite me being an English major with absolutely no business experience I somehow made it past the first wave of interviewees for a sweet internship at dramafever I'd like to think my creativity helped me keep up with the marketing questions that were thrown at me.. now, however, I have a second interview with the rest of the marketing team and I'd like to be very prepared for it Have any of you taken a class on marketing (especially online marketing) before? If so, could you point me toward some texts I could use as a resource for research? Textbooks, research journals, etc. would be fantastic. Thanks, really hope I get this so I'm not doomed to be a teacher...

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late night venting thread Yo, use this thread to vent about things no one else probably cares about I guess and you don't feel like sharing with people you know Here's an example: I'm pissed off at myself because I can't prioritize for the life of me (herp derp here I am on basil) I prioritize my relationships to the point where I barely have any time for myself and even though I love the people I commit myself to it becomes troublesome because then I just stress myself out because of how far behind I am with things I need to do. Here I am, a senior about to graduate, and I have NO idea what I want to do with my life. My job is annoying, absolutely unrelated to anything I've ever been passionate about, and I'm treated like a brainless minio

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broken things and stuff So I bought this rly cool umbrella shaped like a samurai sword I really really liked it, and paired with those sars masks i've basically been guaranteed a seat on the subway for the past few weeks last night i had a little too much to drink and i swung the umbrella like a sword.. it's not a sword so it snapped in half (ikr so strong am i) seriously though i'm really bummed now because it was expensive and now i need to get a new umbrella (and if you live in a city you know how much of a pain in the ass that can be) i hit up two muji stores for a new one but they were sold out blergh also i dropped my earbuds in water today but i used the rice trick and they still work thank god have you broken anything recently? Why

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Playing basketball in the pool, I saw rainbows everywhere Small circles of light, refracted by my own mind I want to share this sight, come enter my lens to see a world of wonder Do you believe me? Do you find me odd? I’m not lying, there is a rainbow swallowing the breath of each light in this world A splash of colors intersecting each other, like the faint orange glow of the setting sun gently fades into the dull shadow of the horizon I see yellow, a gold ring that binds us together for eternity Green, the source of life as it blossoms serenely to blend in with all forms of existence Red, a pool of blood levitates ever so slightly as it hangs in the balance between love and self-destruction Blue, water to squelch the flames of passion b

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Feelings on facebook? I just deleted mine for the fifth time since high school because it's nothing but a waste of time/source of paranoia for me I'm not a fan of the way social networking works nowadays and I'm ashamed to admit I'm too weak to deal with particular social structures (I.e. I feel terrible when it shoes me someone saw my message and didn't respond, or when creepy dudes like my girlfriend's pictures and facebook decides to conveniently notify me about it- just silly things that are out of my control and I shouldn't be worrying about it in the first place) This time I changed my password to a bunch of gibberish and copypasta'd it twice to have a security buffer in case I tried to log back in or something Feels good man, what do

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