TelastKollie #General Talk


P/c on some old Nx items? Hey guys, I took a break and coming back I'm not sure what the prices are. I seached the FM to see similar items but it doesn't seem people are selling.. I was wondering if I could get a price check on: Red Dragon Gloves Bunny Gloves Moon and Sun Cape Pimp Chalice Silver Angora Gatsby Alice Rabbit Top Cherry Snow Outfit Light Chiffon Dress Lux Cherubim Twinkling Girl Hat Also I saw Raven Horn Daggers going for 20m? I remember they use to be like hundreds of million? Thank you!


KSers everywhere - Rage thread So I was training my phantom and a DS comes along and starts ks'ing me, so naturally I'll just fight back for the map. He leaves and goes onto his main to ks me. After a while I went onto my merc to train that, and im holding a full map of scarecrows trying to level, then a party of 4 comes along, all level 100+ and starts to ks? What's with everyone ks'ing these days? [Yes I know I didn't ask for them to change channels, but in the past no one really does - change channels that is] /end rant


A few questions Hey everyone, I haven't been around for a while and just wondering on some updates and changes. 1. Has the DB Hyper skills been released yet? I checked the notes and it said it's not out yet but just want to make sure. 2. What's the best place for a level 170 to train (or leech ) 3. How possible is it to get the AP reset with the 150 coins? Like how long does it take etc. 4. Well that's it for now, but if theres any other godly thing or new item that came out that you think should be talked about please feel free to say it (: Thank you very much


A few questions Hey everyone, I haven't been around for a while and just wondering on some updates and changes. 1. Has the DB Hyper skills been released yet? I checked the notes and it said it's not out yet but just want to make sure. 2. What's the best place for a level 170 to train (or leech ) 3. How possible is it to get the AP reset with the 150 coins? Like how long does it take etc. 4. Well that's it for now, but if theres any other godly thing or new item that came out that you think should be talked about please feel free to say it (: Thank you very much


Some Profession Questions Hey, (I think they're called Professions - the mining and crafting things) Question 1 - What is the max level of the professions? (I think it was 10 but not too sure) Question 2 - If we unlearn (I think that's what the game called it) say, accessory crafting, and we take up the making-weapon thing, do the levels transfer over? As in, say accessory crafting was level 5 and you unlearn it, then you take up weapon-making, does that become level 5 or have to level it up again? Question 3 - If we unlearn something, and after a while, decide to learn it again, does it go back to original level or back to level 1? Thank you in advance!

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