
kinda hard to miss and is so annoying

i just logged back on today after some months,
and as many of u see there are tiny strikes of electricty above peoples heads, also half of my face is red
i just wanna know wat does it mean and how can i fix it cuz its annoying as hell

December 9, 2012

5 Comments • Newest first


It's a weird event Cassandra might infect you OR another player clicked on yours... One way to cure this is talking to the Maple Administrator and ask her to cure you... the other way to cure it permanently is unknown to me... there are some solutions, I haven'ts tried, here though...

Reply December 9, 2012

It's an event nexon came up with. We have a cold and you can either wait for your mapler to get over it(no telling how long that will take), or talk to the admin to cure your cold. If you cure it, you can still catch it again so you'd have to avoid populated areas if you don't want to constantly have to cure it.

Reply December 9, 2012

Your character is infected and you have to remake it.

Reply December 9, 2012

Disclaimer: I am a nub so don't take me seriously.

For the tempest events everyone is getting "sick". you can get sick by being near other maplers who are sick or just by talking to cassandra in her quest.
So far I don't know if there is any cons to it other than it being an eyesore to some people. No pros are evident. It is supposed to disappear in two days I think, but I am not too sure. I am bad with time so I can't keep track of the sickness on my characters. Good luck and have fun then~!

Reply December 9, 2012

you're angry and turning super saiyan

Reply December 9, 2012