

TheWater24 #Chat Talk

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Best SmartPhone App? I was about to generalize into the iPhone section, but most smart phones app stores carry pretty much the same apps. So, someone tell me, what is the best app in the store that will waste my time when I'm bored? I'm real sick of over "X number of apps on this store!" It's more of a quantity over quality thing now. No game so far has really caught my interest. Basil, tell me: Best cooking app: Best game app: Best photo app: Best app you think is under hyped: I need something to do with my free time.

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Fallout: New Vegas at PAX I was lucky enough to go to PAX and play the game. If none of you know what this game is... go youtube up a few gameplay videos and the trailer. It really is a gorgeous game with lots to do. I only had an hour, and in that hour, I wasted a town with an Assault Rifle I found. I killed a couple monsters, and got sniped by a soldier... I have loved every fallout from the originals to 3, and this game really tips it off for me. Anyone else lucky enough to head to PAX?

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This doesn't make sense So my friend was in his home alone. As he was doing him homework, he heard a crash through his window. (He lives in a pretty drug influenced neighborhood.) Some guy came in and looked around and start stealing items. He is a hunter, so he had a rifle in his room. He loaded it, and shot the burglar in the arm, who then ran out of the home. The following week passes by and this man SUES my friend for "assault." He has to go to court tomorrow. First of all, I don't want my friend losing this trail, but compared to some of the stories I have seen on basil, I am really unsure that he is going to win. Second, I really can't prove this story is true until it goes onto the news during the court session. If he loses

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The Fad of Today: Silly Bands? Oh God How I HATE THEM. Seriously, a weak rubber band that... that is just a SHAPE. People everywhere collect them. Guys collect them to impress the girls who collect them, teachers where them or give them out as just rewards. What is up with these bands? Am I like missing out on a fad here? Now be honest, I am not bashing people who were them, just the rubber band itself. If you collect them go ahead and share your opinion, if you are against me or with me? :P

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A Tough Choice To Make. So, you can either marry an EXTREMELY attractive girl/guy of your dreams, with all the qualities that you desire to have them be, "the one." Though, the consequence of this action is that you will NEVER be rich, and you will ALWAYS be poor. Life will be very hard. All money you earn is soon depleted in expenses he/she has within a matter of minutes, because of the consequence. The other choice you have is marrying an EXTREMELY ugly girl/guy of your nightmares, with all the qualities that repel you in all ways. Though, the consequence of this action is that you will ALWAYS be rich, and NEVER be poor. Life will be easy, but seeing that face in the morning will surely make you cry. Divorce is not an option her

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Do you believe in Extra Terrestrials? We had a hot topic discussion in class today, and I have heard some pretty reasonable arguments. Some kids have said it would be pretty sad for us to be the only ones here in such a big galaxy. Then another popped up and said, "Well, if they are more advanced than us, why haven't they discovered us and taken us over yet?" Someone else came and said, "Maybe they are arising at the same pace we are....?" Honestly, the discussion lasted the whole class time, always never ending possibilities. What are your thoughts on aliens?

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