

Treinta0 #Art Talk

General Art

I have nothing to do so let me draw you guys D I have a number from 1 - 100 in my head and I will draw the 5 people who guess closest to the number ;3 One guess only though o__o I might take a while with the drawings though >__< I'll post the winners in like 40 mins o3o Now... Guess away :D (The D in the top was supposed to be a smiley face but I forgot you cant do that in thread titles .__.) Edit - 1 more minute :D AND THE WINNERS ARE~~~! (21), (19), (35) (7) & (29) The correct answer was 20 :) I also will draw & because I just can't say no .__. O______O I HAVE TO DRAW 6 GUYS? D: I sux at drawing guys :C I'll try do my best >__< I will finish them as soon as possible, but now i must attend to my large pile of homework.