

A few questions

-Does charge not stack with attack pots? Doesn't seem to change my range in stats.
-almost 110, and was wondering, how does marauders do lhc before 4th job? I mean when you aren't charged up, ramming into crocks sounds like an expensive option.
-WHERE ARE THE FISTS IN FM? I know empress gear is all the hotness these days... but I kinda want to retire my 100%ed lvl 70 fist

October 1, 2012

6 Comments • Newest first


been using warrior pills. Are there better ones you can buy from stores?

Reply October 1, 2012

@chickdigger802 Congratulations ! I believe I have a screen how how I set myself up post-mutiny, if you'd like to see an example of that. There's no right or wrong way, but it might give you some ideas for your own layout.

I'm still using a self scrolled 99 Attack Knuckle, but that's mainly due to my inability to make mesos. The first thing you'll want to get is a decent Knuckle(110+ attack preferably) and then work on other gear. It might take a while, but it's either that or a clean Empress one if you can equip it(And afford it).

Reply October 1, 2012

shame.. i guess ill just use my 88attk king cent for a bit while. Did make 120 though! A lot of new skills lol, no clue how to map everything!

shame that i rarely see even clean knuckles around :S

Reply October 1, 2012

[quote=iLLSoULja]They're not too bad, just keep spamming landlubber blast and with admiral's wing, it decreases the damage you take so the pot burn isnt too bad.[/quote]

No. Wrong. Any Marauder who's using Landlubber is either using a weird build or he doesn't know what he's doing. A Marauder would probably rush Crocky's to a corner(Or the edge for platforms) and then assuming he didn't have Charge he'd do whatever skill(Probably SSK to avoid damage) and then spam Energy Blast. The pot burn is actually bad considering how we only take 20% less damage; you'll still be hit for a fair bit and you have no avoid skills to dodge hits. Although Perseverance will help with the recovery, don't expect low potion consumption if you train in an optimal manner.

Anyways, to the original poster, most people probably self scroll Knuckles. Usually a scrolled one is from someone who quit, or from a merchant who's expecting a very large amount of mesos for it. Most of the time you'll be self scrolling, although you can sometimes find a King Cent(Or higher) scrolled somewhat decently... But don't expect it to be cheap or common most of the time.

Reply October 1, 2012

[quote=angeIkitty31]1: idk
2: yes
3: buy an owl from CS[/quote]

And look at what?

Like what are the hot fists people scroll these days that aren't the empress ones?

Reply October 1, 2012

1: idk
2: yes
3: buy an owl from CS

Reply October 1, 2012