Trixryummie #Updates Talk

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New Nlc Revmp Ok so I have a few questions. 1) Are there certain prequests needed to be completed before receiving "The Right Path" quest from Taggrin? Cause I know you need to complete the city quiz quest to do "The Fallen Woods" quest 2) Are the badges gained from the Crimsonheart Castle/Tynerum applicable to the badge turn in quest with Yoko? 3) Has anyone attempted the badge turn in quest? I really like the look of all the former iTCG weapons (the dusk, dark, etc ones) so I wanna start farming badges. also 4) Are the quests limited to certain classes (Nova, Explorer, Hero, etc)? Cause haven't there been problems like that in the past, or was that only for certain PQ's? Thanks in advance, hope to get lots of feedback.