Tyranno2007 #Aran Talk

General Aran

100+ Att Maple Karstan? Hi guys :D I leveled to 60 yesterday and I am quickly racking up exp (already at 58%), and I was wondering: How much is a 100 Att+ Maple Karstan worth in Bellocan? I was thinking about using that as my "sub" end-game weapon (Let's face it...Arcglaive is HECKKKK to make AND scroll at lv. 80...) until I actually have enough time (money) and patience (money) and a much higher level (did I mention...money?) for Arcglaive (around lv. 100+) Thanks in advanced!

General Aran

Aran 56 - 70 training Okay guys, I just leveled to 56 last night at Mp3 and as I was training I noticed: Mp3 is becoming incredibly slow...o.O Iunno why I started noticing that mp3 became slow, it just feels slow :P I can manage there, however I was wondering are there other good training spots for Aran to get to level 70? Oh btw, my ACC is 105 with a base DEX of 70 (yup odd I know, but ehh, I really dont wanna restart) and my damage range is around 6XX - 12XX Thanks :P