Tyranno2007 #Chat Talk

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Here we go againtime to prepare Psn -- Sooo Anonymous is ONCE AGAIN showing interest in attacking Sony...this time because Sony is supporting SOPA... Also, before any Xbox fanboys come and start crap...remember, this is for supporting SOPA, which Microsoft also supports...soo yeah, you guys may be next, but they just have not stated it openly. In my honest opinion...I hope this is fake -_- I just got BF3 and started back playing LBP2, and I am looking forward to getting CS: Global Offensive on my PS3 once it is released... Discuss your opinion here, and please no fanboy wars, because this affects both Xbox (indirectly) AND PlayStation users (directly).

General Chat

Do Steam Sales/Mega Online Discounts devalue Video Games? This topic has been brought up a lot in the gaming community, with recently EA's Origin team announcing themselves against "mega sales" that Steam normally have. They went against it because they say the sales can devalue video games and ultimately make consumers only buy video games when they are dirt cheap. As for myself, I am a SMALL PC gamer (only playing smaller games on my laptop), but I am a large console gamer. I do not mind paying the $60 or more (more if I want a special edition or something) for a brand new game, depending on whether I like it or not; however I have friends who are major PC gamers and they do not bat an eyelash at a AAA-title game unless it is un

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Online Gaming quotStandardsquot Sooo in class today, me and some guys were talking about the silly "standards" of some people for online gaming, and we were just pretty much poking fun at some things that people react to in lobbies, games, live streams, YouTube videos, commentaries, etc. Do not take any other these seriously nor gt offended please, this was all in a joking manner. If you play for fun - Bad If you play for competition - Bad If you play badly - Bad If you play good - Bad If you play lone-wolf - Bad If you play the objective a lot - Bad If you have anyone in or your house under the age of 16 within a 100 mile radius of your mic - END OF THE WORLD! If you are an adult and you play video games - HORRIBLE If you are a k

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Your favorite things to do in Skyrim? What do you guys like to do in Skyrim? I personally like to do the extra work for the Thieves Guild (I already finished the TG questline and my stealth based skills are much higher than anything else AND I love the money I get from it) and killing random Imperial Soldiers and people who want to join the imperials XD Last night, I chucked a farmer who wanted to join the Imperials off a cliff. Me and my girlfriend laughed sooo hard all last night! I honestly cannot wait to finish the main quests and then I am going to start on the Dark Brotherhood quest. Sidenote: I see why TES is so popular, it is really fun and VERY addictive when you get into it,. I can hardly put my PS3 controller down when I play. My

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Pizza Delivery Rage - Has this happened to anyone else? Hi guys! I have a funny little story that maybe some of you can relate to. To start out, I am a pizza lover, plain and simple. I LOVE PIZZA; however most of the time I am at home when I am not at school, with no vehicle, soo pizza delivery would be a HUGE time saver for me instead of having to wait for my mom to get home from work late in the evening. I have never really thought about it much, because we usually have mom pick up our order when she leaves work. So today I decided that I will try to order a pizza and have it delivered to my house. First, I try online order. I input my address and ZIP code, but when I look at the FOUR Pizza hut locations less than 5 miles away from my hou

General Chat

Call of Dutyis it really that bad (Edit: Yupp title screw up -_-) Why do people hate this game so much? I truly see no problem with it...I can read a simple article about Call of Duty without a billion Battlefield lovers bashing the series and Activision...I know it is competition, but really this is insane now! EA in my eyes has turned into a huge bully towards Activision (CoD), stating how they have had no real competition, and how they hope the game rots...simple competition...really? I am just going to give my two cents about CoD and Battlefield fanboys: BF Fanboy: "CoD sucks so bad, i've never played it, but I have vehicles and better graphics in Battlefield and Activision is greedy so they release the same game every year!"