

UAPaladin #Phantom Talk

General Phantom

Whats your dojo strategy? List your range, %boss, and best dojo time too please. I use blaster until the last stage and then switch to frozen orb right before then. I use heroic memories and TaC right after the bear boss and then again right before the last stage after my CD for frozen orb has run out. The pots I use are the 20% boss pot, 80luk pot (I'm an alchemist so I can have 2 alchemy pots on at once), restless limb buff, legendary coin cake buff, MPE red and green pots, onyx apple, guild buff pot thing, echo, and the 10% boss and TD buff in the noblesse skills of the guild tab My range when I'm doing dojo is 3.3m (the pots/buffs add a pretty good bit to my range :p ) and 337% boss. My best dojo time has been 4:52 And before anybody co