Undyingrebel #Wildhunter Talk

General Wildhunter

My reaction to Wh changes after 6 months of hiatus ~worreh/avatar/na/gsai.gif A bit of a rant here but... I think Nexon was over their heads on this update. They nerfed the HP gain from feline berserk on a class that was naturally fragile. As if that was not enough, Nexon butchers the one skill that made up for our fraility, swipe, by moving it to first job, giving it a massive damage nerf and a cooldown to boot. Nexon also added a cooldown on Sonic Roar on a class that already struggles with mobbing because their main attack spell (WaB) is bossing-oriented, and they give us this confusing new system with the jaguar that requires us to basically replace 2/3 of our keyboard for ability hotkeys. The new 'summon Jaguar' system is also extremel