

Vegeto #Site Talk

General Site

Basil hacked Stay Off If you can read this, get off Basil for now. Someone posted malware in the add space. It is not just Basil, many sites using the same ad host are affected, but for safety you should get off basil and perform a virus scan. Hopefully this will be resolved soon. EDIT: It appears the issue has been resolved. Netseer was hacked earlier this morning. As a safety percaution, all ads containing content from Netseer were flagged as malicious. Considering Netseer is a major provider for Google AdSense, this affected a large number of sites. EDIT 2: The issue appears to be recurring. Take precautions, or switch to Chrome for the time. The people at Google and Netseer have a lot of work to do before this is fully resolved. EDIT 3: