

College Students Do you guys find life boring now?

Ever since I entered college, I started to feel lonely. I did make new friends but I haven't gotten the chance to make friends who are girls, even though I made a group of friends who are guys. I realized that I feel extremely lonely ever since I came back home for spring break. It's just that life is so dull for me now... Am I the only one who is experiencing this?

March 7, 2013

20 Comments • Newest first


I think it's refreshing. Back in high school, we were packed like sardines and had no choice but to interact with each other. Now, in university, I can have as much personal space as I want. If I want to be outgoing and friendly and sociable, I can do that. If I don't, then I don't have to. There are little conflicts here and there, like people I know starting conversations with me while I'm enjoying being alone, but generally I like having this kind of freedom.

Reply March 9, 2013

Dude you need to go out more.

I was in Uni and I enjoyed it.
Every Friday and Saturday I was out and/or missing.
I eventually be found.

Reply March 9, 2013

If you live at home, it teaches you that things are no longer as socially convenient. Before, you could always count on your friends living close enough that you could meet up and hang out whenever. Now you have to take initiative. If you want to be more social, then you have to pursue it. Be the one who gets everyone together outside of class, join clubs, and participate in and volunteer for on-campus events. (None of that is possible if you can't manage time well, by the way.)

Reply March 8, 2013

i'm kind of new here. I'm lonely but i don't really care. i have few new friends that i could see future with.

you have to understand life is not just " friends " or just a " career " its more than that.

Reply March 8, 2013

I'm in my 1st year , honestly


Reply March 8, 2013

I've made a handful of friends but I'm actually sitting alone on campus atm

At least I'm legal drinking age so I can go out however I'm often working or I don't have the time to be hungover or sleep in because I have to study. sucks

Reply March 8, 2013

i feel you OP, i'm actually feeling the same way right now and no matter where i go, i always feel unhappy. College isn't as fun as they claim to be because you still have to do work in school and study. If you don't, then you'll suffer with your GPA and god knows how awful it is to raise it back up after a detrimental hit. It's hard to go through it and it's just another part of life that we have to get through.

Reply March 8, 2013

i dont think if college more boring than senior high school

Reply March 8, 2013

Become acquainted with someone who is 21 or get a job. Coworkers can become friends.
This video is perfect for you since you struggle so hard (I know you've made multiple threads about this).

Reply March 8, 2013

[ ] I am living/lived on campus with other students that are/were not blood-related.
[ ] I am living at home right now, but am making an effort to be social.
[ x] I am living at home, hoping for a magical opportunity to make friends.

Uni started again this week and i havn't even made one new friend yet :c Buuut my friends from last year are still here so I'm not lonely at all! c:

Reply March 8, 2013

I sat there during our medicine orientation looking like a nerd in my very own corner. Howefer since I was one of the earliest, people kept sitting near me since I am sure they didn't want to be alone either and so they conversed.
Even though in all honesty I wanted to read a book while waiting for our lecturer. But no, they just had to ask about my personal details and life. Now I am due to spend every available lunch with a bunch of people (some are from old school) but the majority like 10+ are randoms. I miss the quiet hazy days underneath our old school's jacoranda tree. Swap places OP?

Reply March 8, 2013 - edited

Check the box the applies:

[ ] I am living/lived on campus with other students that are/were not blood-related.
[ ] I am living at home right now, but am making an effort to be social.
[ ] I am living at home, hoping for a magical opportunity to make friends.

Reply March 8, 2013 - edited

Nope not really. I mean... I haven't found any BEST FRIENDS in college yet, but I'm just a second year. I have plenty of friends here who I spend every day with

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

you should use the word horny instead of lonely then problem solved

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

Get a job. Welcome to the real world.

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

Na your not, i am in my second years of college and i feel depress all the time
I just lost i guess, no sure what to do, who i want to be, if plan will work out
everything is a problem and feeling lonely is normal in college.

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

You will learn in life
Through any facet you start
Fresh meat is just dirt

You're "noob" pretty much
You haven't connected yet
So why are you sad?

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

When I went to college...
Oh wait, I never went.

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

You're "swagonomics"
Girls should be all over you
What is not to like?

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited

I do not. Then again, I'm not a poor sap without any goals in life.

Reply March 7, 2013 - edited