

ViPrincess #Updates Talk

General Updates

So i somehow broke my character Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing where a certain skill doesn't seem to work. Like, for eg. the skill 'rush' just doesn't seem to work. I have no clue why. also, i've had my pet with auto pot for a few years now, and i'm very familiar with how to set up my auto hp etc etc. but for some reason, when i set it up today, it doesn't seem to work, at all ><' Anyone else experiencing this? or knows how to fix it? Thanks in advance~ EDIT: SOLUTION: OdiNxCore:after the last maint, Smokescreen didn't work, I tried reinstalling twice. Didn't work. After a day of breaking from maple, thinking the game was glitched, I restarted my computer, and everything worked fine. I leave my computer on almost 24/7.