

Vigorous #Chat Talk

General Chat

Sleep paralysis and more. Post your stories So I'm not sure what this might be exactly, my girlfriend has me thinking it isn't sleep paralysis but yeah. Here's the story; My girlfriend was sleeping and she called me this morning and told me what happened and she basically woke up at about 7am and checked her phone. She knew what time it was and put her phone down, turned on her side and closed her eyes and about after a second literally, yes I mean literally she said she started to shake, her body began to shake and her body began to get warm and she couldn't tell if her insides were quivering or the outside of her body was just shivering. It wasn't even cold or anything but then she felt this heavy pressure or weight rise over her and whil

General Chat

Looking for a new Mmorpg Well I am growing tired of Maplestory in a way though it has been one of my favorite games for the past 6 years... I'm getting kind of tired with some of the hacked weapons and hackers and everything that might just bring the game down (though I understand every game might have its hackers). I am looking for new games to try around with and play but that carry a similar game play to that of Maplestory. Monsters to train on level up, quests, party quests. Guilds or that sort of stuff. Throughout the past I've played these games (NOTE: I've played some of these years ago) Flyff was interesting I liked it till I got to level 30ish but then from there training grew harder and I grew bored of the game. Solstice Online wa

General Chat

Looking for Yugioh Experts. I have a Question. So basically yeah, I have a question. I have these two cards . Both set down. One is a continuous Trap card the other is a regular Trap Card. So two Traps. [b]NOTE: I HAVE NO CARDS IN MY HAND.[/b] Reckless Greed: Draw 2 cards and skip your next 2 draw phases which is set down. Ordeal of a Traveler: You can only activate this cards effect when your opponent declares an attack. Your opponent selects 1 random card in your hand and calls the type of the card (Monster, Spell or Trap). If your opponent calls it wrong, the attacking monster is returned to its owner's hand. Reckless Greed is placed set down. Ordeal of a Traveler is set down as well. [b]NOTE: I HAVE NO CARDS IN MY HAND.[/b] So lets say