

Combo Tempest 20 (galacia)

i got the book but no idea what to shop it for, anyone?

November 19, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


tempest does the same thing at lv1 as lv30.
only more time and 400%(x4) more dmg to bosses
most arans don't add more than 1 point to it until they have max OS, 26hm, fs, and possibly barrier.

Reply November 19, 2010

[quote=ominousspitfire]Really? [i]Galicia[/i]. Is it really that hard to spell?
OT: It's for Aran's. 4th Job.[/quote]

sounds bettar mah way -.-
but is there any price range going or anything?

Reply November 19, 2010