

Wagner #General Talk


to all QQers about the exploit to all of the whiners about being unfair about the chaos scrolls- did u guys ever stop and think for once why the chaos scrolls suddenly dropped like 99% of their prices? i mean comon, chaos scrolls go for like what, 20 mil? (not sure), and suddenly, it drops to as low as 20k? dont u find that in any sense a bit skeptical? use ur common sense people...really, its not that hard to use ur brain for once and think it through. and to all who say who didnt know about this and blaming nexon and not solving this problem, stop blaming them. how were they suppose to noe this exploit was out. if they did, THERE NEVER WOULDVE BEEN THIS EXPLOIT IN THE FIRST PLACE, and i find their solution better than a rollback. if u did

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