

Wanton #Chat Talk

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Are you a negative person? Are you a negative or a positive person? When a person says something like "weight is just a number" are you like yeah sure its a number but its a number which indicates your weight which is how fat you are yes u r fat or are you like, "yeah! Its a number, dont worry about it! Live, laugh, love!" Do you ever want to switch to the opposite side? Like if you're a negative person, you'd like to become a positive one and vice versa. Personally, I'm a negative person. I don't think I'd want to be a very optimistic person, although I am sometimes jealous of those kinds of people. How 'bout you? EDIT: by 'negative' i'm not talking about emo people. i

General Chat

Sleep paralysis So I think I just had my first sleep paralysis experience and hollyy it was scary I woke up in the middle of the night and I was really dazed like I wasnt fully awake since I was still very sleepy and the lights were off and basically my room was black but then I started seeing dark figures (doesnt really make sense since my room was pitch black but its like I could tell they were there cause idk my brain works that way) and it was holding me down and I tried moving but it didnt work and I fell back to sleep cause I was like f/ck this sht im going back to sleep pce and idk man it was trippy and now im scared to go back to sleep welp so how was your first sleep paralysis experience? To those who don't know what it is: Basical

General Chat

best sandwhich recipe? hey guys, im going to start bringing my own lunch to school instead of always eating macdonalds there, and i want to bring sandwhiches since i feel like that would be the best lunch to bring... not really fond of fruits or soup, they don't really fill me up. I get this unsatisfied feeling when i drink/eat ? ? ? only soup... so ya sandwhiches. however, i don't know what the best way to make a sandwhich is? ? ? the last time i made a home made sandwhich was like when i was in grade 8... so, what do you think i should put in my sandwhiches? I can eat meat, vegetables, and it can be spicy. give me your recipes. like ham? cheese? macaroni? peanut butter? huh? inb4 girls and sandwhich jokes.

General Chat

Grade 11 bio question So, I'm currently doing a biology assignment and we're doing genetics right now. Y'know, monohybrid crossing and all that. Fun. So, what I don't understand is how you're supposed to get the F2 generation. I know you need the F1 generation, okay. I got that. But then the question asks for the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of the F2 generation. What do I do? :( I was told that you take the F1 generation and use that, but how? What am I supposed to cross with to get the F2 generation? Sorry if this is somehow in the wrong section. :/

General Chat

I throw up when i eat fruits after i eat a meal fun fact about me !!! I feel sick in my stomach when i eat fruit after i eat a meal and im full. I feel like vomiting and my mouth starts to fill up with saliva but with a will of steel im often able to repress the vomiting feeling. Ofc this does not always work.. I've known this my whole life and I've been trying to tell my family about it but they're like na ur lying eat the dam fruit we're giving u and im like no pls ill have to use my will of steel to repress the vomiting feeling but ya they still just make me eat the fruits man like smh !! well today i threw up and now my mom finally sees the truth. I ate hotpot with my mama and after she gave me oranges to eat as a desert so im like ugh.

General Chat

boys and makeup So, boys. Do you ever want to wear makeup? I'm not talking about putting on blush and eyeshadow, you don't need to do that. I'm talking about makeup that makes you look natural, but still enhances your beauty. Don't you ever want to put on foundation to hide your pimples and flaws? Or wax your eyebrows so they aren't so recked or make them fuller so you actually have eyebrows like or eyeliner should you feel that it makes you look better if makeup for boys was gender neutral (which i believe should be) and it was socially acceptable for boys to wear make up, would you? Those acne scars that you were so insecure about could finally be covered up, and no one could judge you for using makeup. So, would you use makeup?

General Chat

am i abnormal? I am someone that is not close at all with their family. Yesterday, my mom talked to me about how she is upset with me. She is upset that I never tell her anything about what i do with friends or send her pictures of me hanging out with friends. Her friend's children send their parents pictures so i guess my mom feels left out? Generally, I am not affectionate towards my mom because of, idk. I'm just not. The last time I remember hugging her was when I was in grade 6. Same with my sibling. We don't talk to each other much either. I never ask about how my mom's work was, or anything like that to get to know her. I guess you can say that I really don't know anything about my family. At home, we're alone with our computers and a

General Chat

Unusual fears Do you guys have any fears that would be considered 'unusual'? Like something that would't normally scare another person. I'm afraid of being in washrooms alone (not as bad now), looking at mirrors for a long time, rooms that lack light, the thought of getting older, and running in open fields. I also always cover myself with a blanket when I go to sleep, even when its hot, in fear that someone is going to chop off my limbs if they are exposed. These are just mild fears. Except the mirror and blanket one. how bout you guys

General Chat

Am I strange for doing this? Every year, the day before my birthday, I deactivate my facebook account until my birthday passes. Why? Even I'm not really sure. I'll say its because its annoying when people post on my facebook wall with a happy birthday and i feel obliged to like their status or say thanks. but i know thats not a big factor as to why i deactivate my account because i could just simply ignore them and make it seem like i never use facebook since i never post anything anyways and i only use fb messenger to msg my close group of friends of 2. perhaps its the fact that i am afraid afraid that if i let people post, there won't be a lot of people who post a happy birthday on my wall and it'll look like i don't have friends (well i

General Chat

your birthday So what kind of birthday person are you? Do you tell everyone before hand that its your birthday and you announce it to all your friends so everybody knows? Do you tell your friends the day of? Do you even say its your birthday like you put it as your status or something? Do you not say anything but leave your facebook activated so people can see that its your birthday and write on your wall? Personally, I would feel uncomfortable if I told people it was my birthday. So what I do is, I deactivate my facebook account so that no one realizes its my birthday and then re-activate it the day after. That way, no one will know its my birthday and I get no happy birthday comments. I don't really know why I do this, it just feels uncom

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