

Weeeeew #Chat Talk

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What is a best friend? So I've generally always had a pretty large group of friends, but I don't think I've ever considered anyone as my best friend. Whenever someone asks me who my best friend is I'll hesitate and list off a couple of people who I'm good friends with but I wouldn't consider them a best friend. I guess I'd define a best friend as someone who I can open up to and knows most of what there is to know about me, but I've never really had someone like this in my life. Usually when I run into problems I'll try and deal with them myself and bottle everything up because I've never really been an open person. So yeah Basil, how do you define a best friend and would you say that you've got one?

General Chat

The human race is falling behind So a week or so ago our school got the news that some guy who goes to my school had killed himself. He did this because he had recently come out of the closet and told everyone around him that he was gay, but the people around him and even some of his family weren't supportive at all. It was pretty upsetting to think that people not accepting this kid for who he was drove him to killing himself. Why are we at this stage still? It is 2014 for gods sake and the Western world has still not accepted the fact that we're all equal. It's actually pretty disgusting. There are people around us that feel scared to show people who they really are because half the world is still ignorant enough to not accept them. I hop

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