

Weskerx03 #Art Talk

General Art

Lfgt Very Good Artist amp 3d Animation Designer Hello, my name is Jonathan and I'm looking for some really good artists out there to help me make a Fan Made Maple Movie. I want the artist to draw my thoughts (words = expressions) & I want the Designer to make the characters into a 3D animation (Movie). You can say this is kind of an audition, but I don't. If you can put time and effort into helping me make this, then I am eternally grateful (If you make this Movie Fully Done & Good: I May Pay You Around 50-100K NX Each Person). If you are interested in helping me (AKA Movie Director & Producer) then please add "Weskerx03" In Scania & we can talk, or you can message over basil (Tip: If you have a facebook or Skype I