WhiteLaundry #General Talk


Burning Characters, I changed my selection? So I recently join Reboot's server, made a F/P Arch Mage because I didn't have one on my main server (Bera) I had heard about burning characters but never did it, but as far as I understand, you can have 1 burning character per world and you level a lot, etc etc. So I got the Mage to 136 and logged on one day and she wasn't burning anymore, instead it offered again to make her burning or a side project I had (Kanna) going on. So I made the Kanna burning and still got the frozen equipment and everything. Was this supposed to happen? I didn't delete the Mage or anything so I'm wondering if there's a way to bypass the whole "have to delete the burning character" thing.


Dark Token Method What I do for Dark Tokens is go to the Mixed Golems outside of Henesy. [b][/b]How to get there[b][/b] Press [b][/b]W[b][/b] for the World Map, unless you changed the Key Settings of it. Henesy -> Singing Mushroom Forest : Spore Hill -> Singing Mushroom Forest : Humming Forest Trail -> Singing Mushroom Forest : Windflower Forest -> Golem's Temple : Golem's Temple Entrance -> Golem's Temple : Golem's Temple 4 -> Portal at the top Middle/Left. What you'll need: -A decent, fast character to kill the map fast. What will help a little: -A 120+ Demon Slayer with Demon Cry. (Demon Cry has no cooldown, hits the entire map, AND increases drop rate [+1% Per Skill Level]) -The Mixed Golem Familiar (Increases drop rat


Anyone having trouble getting on? 5/5/2013 5:11 PM, I can't log on. There's a 2x currently, I'm not sure if it's just a lot of people logged on but I keep getting the "Server maintenance or firewall settings" message. It's really annoying because I finally had a chance today to go to my college and use their internet because mines trash, and it's not working. I've never played it with this internet before, but they don't block anything so why would they block this? :S