

WiziLiCe #Chat Talk

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Alter Ego discussion Would you like to meet your alter ego? If so, what would you ask him? So far everyone I have come across says they would like to meet their alter ego, but fails to answer the second part. They then go on about saying one could learn about one own self by looking at yourself from another perspective.. I don't agree with this. If your alter ego is a representation of yourself, equal in the physical characteristics, equal in experiences, equal in memories, how can you learn from it? Wouldn't it just be a waste of time and rather be wasted reflecting on yourself? (Knowing the answers will be the same)

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Euthyphros Dilemma Since my last thread failed to create constructive discussion (or any at all if you will), I have decided on starting another one for the sake of seeking truth value. The purpose of the thread, as subtly hinted by some replies in the previous thread, isn't to target down theism on morality but rather find the means in which our sense of morality is formed. So without further ado, "Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?" in other words Are things good because God says they are good or does God says something is good because something is good? Edit* [b]Tales and Myths[/b] As its told by Plato in his Apology, Socrates once set forth to the ancient Temple

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Please help me The ruse of intimidation by referencing authority works especially well if the other person is at a fairly low level in the company. The use of an important person's name not only overcomes normal reluctance or suspicion, but often makes the person eager to [b]please[/b]; the natural instinct of wanting to be helpful is multiplied when you think that the person you're helping is important or influential. Next he called Mod 2. When May Linn answered, he switched hats and went through the routine about being from the Office of the Inspector General, and the problem about somebody else having to use his computer. She gave him the information he was looking for, and agreed to do whatever she could when he needed [b]help[/b] in th

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Why does some people feel sad for others misfortune? I see empathy as a weakness to the human race and as a [i]unreliable[/i] way/form of knowing. I don't see how empathy is a reliable way of learning and comprehending the external world. I don't see why would people feel attracted to someone with an unjustifiable/unreliable way of knowing. If requested I will elaborate on my position. [b]Definitions :[/b] [quote=Definitions] I'm using this definition for [b]external world[/b]: A world beyond our perception. I'm using this definition for [b]attracted[/b]: ": to cause to approach or adhere: as a : to pull to or draw toward oneself or itself <a magnet attracts iron> b : to draw by appeal to natural or excited interest, emotion, or

General Chat

Free will - David Deutsch Lets all cherish our free will! Appearances are deceptive. Yet we have a great deal of knowledge about the vast and unfamiliar reality that causes them, and of the elegant, universal laws that govern that reality. This knowledge consists of explanations: assertions about what is out there beyond the appearances, and how it behaves. For most of the history of our species, we had almost no success in creating such knowledge where does it come from? The real source of our theories is conjecture, and the real source of our knowledge is conjecture alternating with criticism. We create theories by rearranging, combining, altering and adding to existing ideas with the intention of improving upon them. The role of experime