

WiziLiCe #Fun Talk

General Fun

Girls asking out guys What do girls have against asking out guys? Some of the typical responses [b]i'm too shy[/b] Fair answer, but guys are just as shy as girls about these things. It almost never gets easier for us. I've seen guys in their 40s hate rejection more than being beaten up. [b]Its the guy's job[/b] Unless you're willing to play fair and stay in the kitchen all day because that's a woman's job, this is no excuse. [b]Guys will think i'm desperate[/b] If a guy likes you, no he never will. Secondly, if this IS the case with the guy, then it's because he's in the minority of guys and probably has some very weird problems with his ego... ignore guys like this anyways [b]Other girls will call me desperate[/b] This is the only fair one