

WorkOfArt #General Talk


Unable to Communicate with Henehoes. I have several henehoes added on my BL. I'm either friends or long-time-friends with them. However, I usually talk about -training/grinding -pqing -questing -bossing -items/equips/scrolling -etcetera, etcetera. I mean yeah I do talk about things like real life, school, music, sports (tennis), technology, art, etc. too. However, my conversations with my henehoe friends when i either 'stalk' them or they 'stalk' me goes: me: hi henehoe: o hai der me: i grinded for 4 hours today so stalking time! henehoe: cool me: you uh should level faster? o-o henehoe: ima slap yuu if you say that again me: o-o henehoe: --awkward silence-- me: -talks a lot about non-henehoe-friendly subjects- henehoe: --silence-- henehoe:


How Nexon will find out who to ban. [header]Here's how to find the exploited scrolls, step by step! Please don't say they can't do it, because they can.[/header] [b]*Disclaimer: all examples are made up. While the CONCEPT is the same, all ID numbers, examples, etc. are made up, because I have no way of knowing, since I do not work for Nexon. Also, these steps seem hard, but they are not that difficult, simply time consuming, but not as slow as you think.[/b] This CAN get confusing, but I'll explain it as well as I can. Remember, this is just an example of how it works, not actually how it works. [b]There IS a small section at the bottom that summarizes the whole thing in a mere two sentences. The wall of text below is simply the nitty-gritt


Resistance Hyper Skill Images [url=]Cannoneer[/url] Pretty cool. I think this is similar to the I/L one. [url=]Demon Slayer[/url] [url=]Look familiar?[/url] [url=]Battle Mage[/url] You spin my head right round right round.. [url=]Battle Mage again[/url] Does the Battle mage get two active skills? [url=]Wild Hunter[/url] You sure this ain't mechanic? [url=]Mechanic[/url] Meh.


Another Crazy KSer story So I met these three KSers today. I don't even know if I can classify them as "KSers," probably just trolls. All 3 are fourth job. Anyways, I am a level 3x Battle Mage who can barely 5 hit KO jesters due to misses. I train at jesters because who can say no to 6 minute levels? So they aren't people looking for revenge. Their names are iTzPeTeR15, CoochKnight, and CunningBish. Their excuse is "selling hs." [url=]Link of CunningBish.[/url] [url=]Link of iTzPeTeR15[/url] [url=]Link of CoochKnight[/url] However, they decided to follow me around. Now please try to understand that I'm not making this thr


Maplestory Map Etiquette Guide It seems like around 70% of all people who come into my maps are either idiots are jerks, so I'll make this map etiquette guide. [header]For the person owning the map[/header] 1. Don't be mean. The moment you be mean, you raise your chances of a kser ksing you... but a big big percentage. 2. Wait until the person who comes into your map starts fighting. It pisses people off when you immediately say "cc please" before they do anything. Just look on basil... millions of threads made hating on that. 3. Ask nicely, and give the person around a minute of chances. For example, "can you cc please?" should be fine enough. Some people are stingy and want to see you type out the words change channels


So-Called Fifth Job Hyper Skills So evidently, at level 140, you can begin learning Hyper Skills, which are more powerful skills. It basically constitutes as a fifth job, but you won't be finished with 4th job advancement, so it occurs in the middle of fourth job. This basically confirms that there is no real fifth job coming. Bowmasters will stay bowmasters, Shadowers will stay shadowers, everyone will just have some extra skills to make up for the extra SP. edit: it seems the Aran skills we've seen before are not revamped skills, but three different hyper skills. So it's safe (or is it?) to assume that there will be [b]three hyper skills[/b] available for each class, which, if the maximum skill level is 20, would constitute exactly 60 SP,


Unknown Maintenance Start Time? Yeah Right Originally, the maintenance was set to start at 2:30AM pst. This means that Nexon employees would have to work from 2:30AM to 4:30AM to fix the issue. I usually don't make baseless assumptions but this one fits too perfectly. It's over 2 hours past the set maintenance time and MapleStory is still up. I'm going to say that they decided to call it a day before initiating the maintenance. I'm guessing that the maintenance will start around 10AM pst. EDIT: I applaud Nexon for starting at 5AM pst instead of 10AM pst. However, this applause is a single clap of my feet. They should not have this problem in the first place. It's one thing to be able to address problems. It's another to have these problems


Storm Growth Potion Time Extension Double click the storm growth potion and a dialog box will appear. The Maple Admin will ask you if you want to use it. Press "no." You will receive the Storm Growth Potion back in your inventory. However, the expiration time will become January 7, 2012. This might also work for even further extension. It's unconfirmed (of course), but if you do the same thing after December 31, 2011, it might extend to January 14, 2012, and if you use after January 7, 2012, it may extend to January 21, and so on. So, for all of you who hate the hell level and want to just get it over with (such as 69~70, 119~120, or 199~200), and you can't make it to that level before December 30, here's your chance.' PROOF:


Phantom Skill Build 4th Job Stacking [b]This is assuming the Phantom is level 200, and there is a Bishop with maxed Adv Bless and an Archer class with maxed SE.[/b] 1st job: Magic Guard (or Haste, apparently) 2nd job: Threaten (-30% pdf) 3rd job: Combo Attack (25% damage) 4th job: Rapid Fire + Holy Charge (50% damage) The question here is: Can I use a buff from 4th job, and then use an attack from 4th job, or will the buff be cancelled the moment I use the attack? I know for a fact that buffs from the same job advancement cannot be stacked, but what about attack and buff? If it cannot be stacked, then Fire charge rather than combo attack. Regardless, if the Phantom is strong enough to surpass 1mil per hit with his own version of close-range


Damage Ranking Thread It seems that a lot of people are confused about the damage ranks. People are spouting nonsense here and there, and it's getting quite annoying. It's so easy to just find these damage calculations, but it seems that Basilers are completely unaware that they exist. So I'll make it slightly easier for everyone and put it in a thread. And yes, this is post-TEMPEST. Most classes didn't get a revamp after Justice, and if they did it didn't count as an "official revamp," so in southperry it says "post justice" for some, but it's completely up to date. All the following information is taken from southperry. [b]Maximum possible attack speed (Fastest 2).[/b] [b]Using Adjusted Mastery[/b] [b]No external buffs


Some classes should receive greater benefits Some classes are just way out of sync with other classes. For example, Evans and Dual Blades both require NX to become even remotely efficient. On top of that, they require skill books drops as well to learn skills. I say, either remove these requirements, or give every class a similar requirement. Well, remove the NX part altogether, that's just stupid. Seriously I'm beginning to wish that skills weren't just handed to you anymore.

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