

XFear81 #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

my imputs on how to improve heroes alot of other classes are getting buffed up and heroes are basicly not changing Nexon should... 1. make Rage a + percentile instead of weapon attack to make it a useful party skill in the long run. (lets say at least +10% of total attack?) 2. make Enrage not single out a monster. stack on Rage. keep in mind that IT DOES consume all 10 orbs and make it of SOME use -.- (maybe +15%? idk) 3. added effect on Combat Mastery to make Coma/Panic stronger since it becomes pretty useless in high levels =( 4? something like heavens hammer because im really jealous Paladins have it XD sounds balanced enough? i hope you guys agree! comment if you do or dont and any other suggestions!