XFrozeShockX #General Talk


What is in Each Hot Week Box For those wondering what is in each of the 8 different Hot Week Boxes, I've recorded it from the bottom to top (starting with the October Box and going from the bottom up): Box 1: Booster Pack 1.5 EXP Box 2: Tiger Pet 3months 1.5 EXP Box 3: Meso Magnet Item Puch Auto HP and MP 1.5EXP Box 4: Halloween Mask Fragment 5 Character Slot Random Hairstyle Coupon RED Ticket Black Friday Coin Halloweenster 8atk medal Box 5: Special Potential Slot Carver Mini Pumpkin Pointy Hat RED Ticket Black Friday Coin Box 6: Master's Coupon Trait Boost Potion 1.5EXP Box 7: Mystery MAstery Book (Tradeable) 1.5 EXP Coupon Box 8: Mystery MAstery Book (Tradeable) SP Reset Scroll RED Ticket Black Friday Coin


hey guys i just got hacked D hey maplers, so yeah, as the title says, i got hacked. i'm not too bothered by it as i can't really do anything? i think the reason i've gotten hacked is because of some form of [b]keylogger[/b] on my computer? well, i'm asking you guys to help me somehow get rid of this virus from my computer. around 2 weeks ago, my secondary account was falsely permanently banned for illicit promoting and advertising. I logged a ticket to nexon, and a week after I logged onto the maplestory site to see how my ticket was going. instead, I saw a new character in bellocan. A level 10 jett named ggghhhff. so i knew i had gotten hacked. since this was only my secondary bishop account, i wasn't bothered too much but i immediately we