XXMagicianX8 #General Talk


Wow People these days So a while back when my CB was level 44, I was CPQing and then the 2x event for the rollback came around and I met this guy called Collossas. I was pqing with him and he told me he would give me free wins because he just wanted the rombot exp. I agreed and we both got to 51. I junior'd him later on. The next day, he had school, and I was on holidays as my exams had finished. I had just charged my account with 30k NX, being prepared to spend long hours trying to get to shadower. So by the end of his school day, I went from 51 to 61. He had a huge rage at me about how NX was a waste of money and that he would much rather do something else than spend money to get NX. Basically insulting me and every other NX buyer. (<


What's the luckiest thing that happened to you early on? Unbelievably lucky things happen to me when I start off in a new world. In bera, when Arans just came out, I sold my Steel Polearm for around 20mil. In Galicia, when DB were about to come out, I got a bunch of 60% katara scrolls from Cassandra's boxes and sold them for massive amounts of money. Just now, in Broa, I started a bandit and while I'm training at Cave of Mushrooms, a Chaos Scroll 60% drops. o_O EDIT: P/C on Chaos 60% Broa =D